Spider Chart

Spider Chart Template

Map objects on a chart based on personal importance with the Spider Chart Template.

About the Spider Chart Template

The Spider Charts, also known as star plots, present an effective way for people to express their thoughts and ideas while prioritizing them based on their relative importance.

This type of diagram is valuable when dealing with complex information, as it allows for a clear visualization of the most significant items positioned in the central circle. Meanwhile, less important items are placed in the outer circles, which are progressively farther from the center. By using a radar spider chart, people can better understand the relationships between different pieces of information and make more informed decisions.

Benefits of using the Spider Chart Template

  • Expose people's perspectives.

  • Illustrate people's rankings.

  • Question your assumptions.

  • Guide upcoming tasks.

How to use the template in Miro

  1. Familiarize participants with the overall topic and the various subtopics.

  2. Collect or generate relevant information. Begin placing items on the radar.

  3. Place key elements in the central circle.

  4. Place less significant plot elements in the central circle.

  5. Graphically represent data points of lesser significance in the outermost circle.


  • Determine the purpose of the interview.

  • Develop your script and interview questions.

  • Choose the interviewee.

  • Decide on a time and place of the meeting.

Useful tips

  • Make one of the segments a "wildcard" slot.

  • Set a time constraint for plotting items.

Spider Chart Template

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