In-Context Interviews Template
Gain a deeper understanding of what truly occurs with people in their natural habitat with the In-Context Interviews Template.
About the In-context Interviews Template
The In-Context Interview Template helps you study individuals in their natural habitat. To gain a deeper understanding of what truly occurs, it is crucial to observe both the words and actions of individuals.
An interview takes place within a person's natural environment, allowing for real-time exploration of their experiences. While this can be conducted remotely and online, synchronous engagement yields the best results.
The objective of this approach is to fully immerse oneself in the world of those who possess extensive knowledge about the subject being studied, thereby preventing the formation of inaccurate assumptions.
Benefits of using the In-context Interviews Template
Unveil the true actions and words of individuals.
Question your preconceptions.
Establish trust with stakeholders.
How to use the template in Miro
Provide an introduction and explain the purpose. Seek permission to record, if needed.
Start with the opening inquiry. Jot down or capture.
Step-by-step exploration of your task instructions. Elaborate on details.
Conclude with your final inquiry or comments. Express gratitude.
Import images, pictures, and videos. If available, analyze the recording.
Define the purpose of the research.
Determine the individuals you wish to observe.
Create a script.
Useful tips
Encourage individuals to take action rather than simply providing an overview.
Maintain your objectives while remaining receptive to new findings.
Get started with this template right now.
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