
Elevator Pitch Template

Come together as a team and create a powerful Elevator Pitch with Miro’s template. Move projects forward and get your product idea funded with a killer storyline.

About the Elevator Pitch Template

Fabric Group, a software development consultancy, designed this Elevator Pitch Template to help teams understand how to craft a winning elevator pitch. This template has a step-by-step guide, so you and your team can collaboratively come up with a killer elevator pitch for your project or product.

What’s the Elevator Pitch Template?

The Elevator Pitch Template consists of frames containing instructions on running an elevator pitch workshop with your team. An elevator pitch is a persuasive short description of your idea, project, or product. An elevator pitch succinctly communicates all the benefits and strengths of your product idea, so you can spark investors’ and stakeholders’ interests.

If you are a product owner, UX designer, business analyst, strategist, or marketer, getting buy-in for your projects becomes easier when you define your product’s nature. When you create an elevator pitch, you’ll uncover these key elements:

  • Target users

  • Users needs

  • Product name

  • Product category

  • Key product benefit

  • Competitors

  • Key differentiators

The elevator pitch will look like this:

For (target audience) who (audience needs), the (product/service) is a (product category) that (benefit for the user) unlike (name competitors) our product (describe what the product does better).

Take a look at this elevator pitch example from Nintendo Wii:

For parents with young families, who are scared by traditional game consoles, the Nintendo Wii is a family entertainment system that lets families play together. Unlike the Xbox and PS3, which have complicated joysticks, our product uses a natural gesture-based approach to gaming that lets the whole family play.

Benefits of the Elevator Pitch Template

This elevator pitch workshop helps teams to gather ideas and validate assumptions about a new product.

This template brings a common understanding and alignment amongst teams, defining what the product is and who it is for.

At the end of this workshop, you will have your elevator pitch to present to stakeholders and pitch presentations.

How do you make an elevator pitch?

The Elevator Pitch Template has a step-by-step guide on how to run a workshop to craft the perfect elevator pitch.

Before starting, pay attention to the following instructions on the template:

  • Plan in advance.

  • Adapt the workshop to your needs.

  • Set clear rules and expectations.

  • Change the elevator pitch guidelines, if needed.

Facilitating an elevator pitch workshop:

  1. Brainstorm ideas and add them to each row of the template.

  2. Cluster similar ideas and themes.

  3. Dot vote findings so you can rank the best ideas per user type.

Repeat this process until you finish the board frame working spaces.

Once you have your ideas in place, set up break out rooms and ask participants to come up with the final elevator pitch. In the end, come together as a group and discuss which elevator pitch suits your product best.

Elevator Pitch FAQs

What does a good elevator pitch include?

There are a few things that a good elevator pitch should have: it must be short, take no more than 60 seconds to be read, easy to understand, have an interesting hook and convince the audience why they should use your product instead of the competitor. Remember, the elevator pitch should be enticing, and it’s the first time most people are hearing about your product, make a good first impression!

What are the 7 steps to making an elevator pitch?

The elevator pitch contains seven sections explaining your product or service briefly: who is it for, their needs, your product name, your product category, the key benefit, your direct competitors, and why you are better than them. After you come up with the answer to these sections, you can craft your elevator pitch and present it to stakeholders.

Elevator Pitch Template

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