What Is Your Energy Level Today?
This check-in helps participants gauge and share their current energy levels, fostering mutual understanding and support within the group.
Сan preferably be used as a check-in to start up a distributed meeting or online workshop.
⏳ ~10 min 🙋♂️5-50 people
INTRODUCTION Briefly explain the purpose of the check-in: "We’re going to do a quick check-in to see how everyone’s feeling energy-wise. This helps us understand where we all are and support each other better during our meeting/workshop."
EXPLAIN THE SCALE Walk-thru the six battery levels in the picture, which each reflects different energy levels.
DECIDE AND SHARE ENERGY LEVEL Ask each participant to grab a purple dot on the board and drag it on the battery that best reflect their energy level right now. Ask them to not overthink where to put it, pick the one battery that first comes to mind. Each participant briefly share their current battery level and, if comfortable, a short reason why.
ACKNOWLEDGE AND REFLECT Acknowledge each person's share and thank them for their honesty. Reflect on any patterns or notable points. Example: "It looks like many of us are at 40% today. Let’s keep that in mind as we plan our tasks."
TRANSITION TO MEETING Transition to the main agenda of your meeting or workshop, keeping energy levels in mind. Example: "Thanks for sharing, everyone. Now, let’s dive into our agenda with these energy levels in mind."
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