Wedding Retrospective
"Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, ..."
Forming a new team is somehow close to enter into a marriage. The old wedding rhyme can also be used for a retrospective. How to do it? Reserve 90 minutes for this wedding and follow this plan.
A retrospective classically consists of 5 phases. For regular retrospectives, a method module must be provided for each phase.
We have put together modules from our retrospectives that will help you as a moderator to simply put together a retrospective in Miro.
Step 1 - Open the retrospective
Step 2 - Gather data
Step 3 - Gain insights
Step 4 - Decide what to do
Step 5 - Close the retrospective
Otto Group Solution Provider (OSP) GmbH
We are IT specialists for retail and logistics. With 300 employees at several German and international locations, we have been developing flexible software, e-fulfilment and BI solutions since 1991.
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