Value Proposition Hives


The Value Proposition Hives is inspired based on Alex Osterwalder's Value Proposition Design combined with improvement from Gary Fox's design article. The purpose is to find or identify the value proposition of the product you have and you want to create. Value proposition isn't about features, but what your users will get out of using your solution. It will describe the benefits customers can expect from your products and services. Ultimately it needs to answer one question "Why should anyone care about your solution?"

Why using Value Proposition Hives?

  • Discover and identify value proposition from your product

  • Develop better understanding of your target user

  • Design products and services based on user needs & value propositions

  • Validate your product-market fit or product-user fit

How to use Value Proposition Hives?

First of all you need to define your Customer Segment based on proto-persona or persona you have decided. Then you can fill the right hives to identify the Customer Profile:

Customer Jobs: The things customers are trying to get done in their work or life.

Pain: The struggle and problems customers experience before, during or after trying to get a job done.

Gain: The outcomes and benefits your customers want to achieve.

Solution: Offered relevant solution and experience the customers are meant to obtain

Product & Services: A list of what you offer and may consist of service, product or both.

Pain Reliever: How you eliminate the things that annoy your customers.

Gain Creators: How your product or service creates customers gains – outcomes and benefits your customers expect.

Prioritizing: Rank by order of importance from each hives of products and service, pain relievers, and gain creators according to how essential they are to customers.

Mapping Fit: Connecting each item from the hives into each other to discover the most valuable things for your product to your customers.

Value Statement: Fill the value statement to validate how your product's value proposition can help your customers and acquire the market.

When to use Value Proposition Hives?

There are two ways to use Value Proposition Hives:

  • First, the phase for value proposition discovery will be fall on defining more precise business model to improve current or launched product to find its product-market fit

  • Second, it will be fitted between Define and Ideate on design thinking process. Value Proposition Hives will help you to identify and validate your value proposition by generating product and service idea to be aligned with product-user fit.


Kusuma Sukma image
Kusuma Sukma
Learning Facilitator@Learnly Society
Mentor and Facilitator specializing in building innovative learning experience design for education technology. Expert in agile leadership, product innovation, and developing professional skills. Empowers aspiring global learners to develop digital skills for the future of work.
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