Value Proposition
This Value Proposition template is a detailed facilitation guide for teams and small businesses to define their Value Proposition. A Value proposition is a short statement that clearly states what value they are trying to drive for customers. It can be used to define the team's mission or purpose.
It is essential for teams to understand the value they are expected to drive if we want teams to be autonomous. If the value proposition is clearly articulated and agreed with stakeholders, then they can be given the freedom to work out how best to deliver the most value.
This template goes one step further than others in that respect, it pushes teams to define the metrics they will use to measure that value. Once this is clearly understood, it is easy for all to understand how the team is performing in the short term (through leading metrics) and in the longer term (through lagging metrics).
This template is particularly aimed at cross-functional, agile teams, but can be used for any teams and even small businesses. There is a detailed facilitation guide that helps take the team through the process, as well as a worked example.
Good luck!
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