The Visual Agile Coach Team High Performance Builder
The Visual Agile Coach Team High Performance Builder
Build your own High Performance Team brick by brick and reach for the stars
What is it for?
To help teams define and achieve high-performance, 1 brick at a time.
When to use it
Your team seeks to:
Achieve mastery in its field
Provide stretch goals for high-performing individuals
Contribute to wider business performance
Overcome complacency or flatlining
Visual Agile Coaching Tips
Use visuals to show progress towards high performance, incorporate aspirational images for each step upwards.
Engage the full team in defining what high performance looks like
Ensure the High-Performance Mission and targets align with the team’s Purpose.
Be a ‘Learning Team’, continuously adopting new ideas and seeking knowledge.
Apply Agile principles for flexibility and adaptability.
Visual Agile Coach Roles & Responsibilities:
Coaching, Mentoring, Teaching
Agile Growth Mindset
This tool and many more are available in the Visual Agile Coach Playbook available from online bookshops and at Amazon:
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