The 3 Little Pigs Retrospective
"The Three Little Pigs" is a fable about three pigs who build their houses from different materials. A Big Bad Wolf blows down the first two pigs' houses which are made of straw and sticks respectively, but is unable to destroy the third pig's house that is made of bricks.
Linking this to an retrospective for an agile team, the 3 pigs' houses are represented by:
House of Straw - What are the things that the team does/has in their ways of working which are fragile and could collapse at any moment?
House of Sticks - What are the things that the team does/has in their ways of working which are stable, but could be improved?
House of Bricks - What are the things that the team does/has in their ways of working which are rock solid and are working well?
Of course, no story of The Three Little Pigs would be complete without the appearance of The Big Bad Wolf. As a point of difference, in this retrospective, The Big Bad Wolf represents the action items that come from the team discussion.
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