Template: Career Discovery
If you have arrived at this template, I imagine that you are thinking about recalculating your professional route, or that you want to help someone who is in this movement. This material proposes a journey of self-discovery, where with each step taken the idea is that you have more and more mastery of yourself. It is structured in an Introduction plus 4 steps of activities. Instructions for each step are located in the purple boxes next to each frame. If you've never used Miro, I suggest you start by watching this video first.
About me
Nice to meet you, my name is Camila Abad. This material emerged from my search for a new professional performance. I graduated in architecture and urbanism and currently work with product management, where I found myself and can be at peace. It's because I found a place for myself, something I didn't believe was possible, that I committed to helping other women find their place too.
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Thank you very much ♡
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