Team Bounce Back - Visual Agile Coach
What is the Team Bounce-back Template for?
Whether the disagreement is team-wide, team-to-team or team member to team member this template provides a pathway for:
• Disagreements and issues, challenges, and problems to be communicated
• Controlled discussion using the ‘5 Whys’ for root cause analysis and Non-Violent Communication techniques
• Checking in – are we all good, or do we have more work to do to resolve the issue?
• Achieving resolution and bouncing back to get back on track with clearly defined joint actions
When to use the Team Bounce-back Template
• Tensions are running high
• Ways of working aren’t running smoothly
• Disagreements are causing distractions
• The team is hitting road-blocks
Visual Tips
• Visuals are a great way to take the sting out of a difficult message when words, both spoken and written, can seem harsh
• Use visuals to express your feelings and emotions when words may be difficult to use
• Disagreements generally have two opposing sides. Use visuals to depict these in a way that words can’t or may do too bluntly
• Action plan with visuals, show what a path to a successful resolution looks like – try drawing the solution together to lock in commitment and (re)start collaboration.
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