Team Appreciation
It's thanksgiving time, and who doesn't love some nice words of appreciation. This template is ready to go, you will just need to edit your TEAM NAME & COMPANY NAME. This session can be done in under 30 minutes (depending on how big your team is, add more post-its and calculate more time for each section).
1. Plan 3 minutes for each of the 8 sections. (you can set a timer on the miro board)
2. Start by letting everyone read through the examples. Then pull them to the side, so that there is enough space for adding post its, and filling out each of the hearts with post-its full of appreciation.
3. Start reading out the post-its and let your team feel the appreciation.
4. Add new post-its (copy + paste) to the hearts if needed.
5. Make sure, that each team member has been mentioned on one of the post-it's at least once throughout the process. If not encourage the group to write about the missing team members.
Enjoy and let the thanksgiving begin!
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