Strategy Development Map
The development of a business strategy can be done in many ways. In fact, there are many different types of strategy that may be applied, depending on the context that you are in. We have developed a map to facilitate you in the development of your strategy. We have designed the map on basis of our experiences in strategy development. You are invited to use it freely. If you have feedback or questions, please reach out to us.
How it works?
On a normal map of for example a country you can see cities and roads. It gives you and overview of different cities you can visit and the different routes you can take. However, the map does not tell you which cities to visit and which routes to take. For this, a guide may advise you, taking your preferences into account and accompany you on the road.
The Strategy Development Map works the same as a normal map: It gives you an overview of the different activities and different routes you can take to develop a strategy. Based on your preferences and needs, we can advise you which route to take and accompany you along the way.
In the Strategy Development Map we communicate our ideal path towards strategy development. However, every context is different. Therefore, in this Miro template, we offer you the opportunity to play around with the different elements and compose your own route.
Difficulties with designing a new strategy? Difficulties with explaining your approach to your team and stakeholders? With the Miro template you can sketch your own strategy development plan.
When to use it?
If you plan to adjust or to develop a new strategy the Strategy Development Map can help you. The Strategy Development Map itself gives you (and your stakeholders) an overview of how strategy development activities are linked. The Miro template gives you the opportunity to play around with the strategy development elements.
How to use it?
Take a look at the Strategy Development Map and decide on the activities you think are necessary and would like to execute.
Drag the elements of the activities in the right order using the template.
Make notes under the elements if necessary.
Discuss your strategy development plan with your team and stakeholders!
Make use of available Miroverse templates while executing your strategy development plan.
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