Stakeholder Map
A stakeholder map is a way for you to create a picture of everyone who is involved in the system that you’re thinking about. There are always different stakeholders to consider. Who is most immediately involved in the system you’re thinking of? Who may be partially involved? Can we account for those who may be loosely involved? Try to consider everyone who will be directly or indirectly effected by your solutions.
Get started in Step 1 by defining your stakeholders. Note every user, group, or individual that is involved with your project, both directly and indirectly.
Next, you’ll need to categorize each stakeholder. You can do this by dragging and dropping the stakeholders on to the diagram by level of influence. A good rule of thumb is that as you get closer to the center, a stronger focus is put on the stakeholder group).
You can use this organizational tool to figure out who is involved with a service or product, whether they’re providing, creating, or sourcing anything along the entire chain of delivering a product or service.
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