Service Landscape Map
Services rarely exist in a void - they exist in a context. A landscape.
About the template
Service landscape maps help you visualise a service in the context in which it takes place, from the user's point of view.
Service landscape maps depict the different stages users go through when accessing a service as connected blobs, with the activities they do as circles within those blobs.
It also captures who the external users are – the end users of the service and those who act in their support – the things users do to achieve their goals, the teams of people who deliver the service and are granted some power or authority within the system, and supporting organisations that also have a role to play in meeting user needs.
For example, someone using a 'Renew your passport' service will likely also be researching holiday destinations, booking flights, looking for accommodation, arranging visas ... Because, ultimately, their goal is not to get a new passport, it's to go on vacation.
A service landscape map helps you see how your service fits in this bigger picture, and understand users' wider motivations, activities and interactions with a wide range of actors and organisations.
The template is quite straightforward to use – it's just circles, text and lines. Adapt and amend it to fit your needs.
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