Service Blueprint Workshop with GenAI


This workshop introduces a method for conducting user-centric product development using generative AI. The process involves creating a visual workflow that shows people, process, and technology

What You'll Need

  • Access to generative AI tool

  • Collaborative digital whiteboard

  • Participants (subject matter experts and potential users)

  • Timer

Pre Workshop

  1. Use Gen AI to generate insights for the entire service journey.

    1. What is a common use case for a product manager?

    2. What would that end-to-end process look like?

    3. What are the key touchpoints and supporting technologies?

    4. Who is involved in which task?

    5. What are the front-stage and back-stage processes for each step?

  2. Use color coding and swim lanes for the insights.

    1. Customer actions: actions taken by a product manager.

    2. Front stage actions: employee or product manager the customer directly interacts with. (Green)

    3. Technology that can be used to fulfill. (Yellow)

    4. Internal process, calculations, data management, or platform/app actions. (Orange)

    5. Support processes behind the scenes to support tasks. (Purple)

  3. Invite participants and ensure they have editing access.


  1. Explain the rules.

    1. You will walk through each item on the board. Participants need to verify, add missing steps, identify the right actors, and add any support processes that need to occur for each customer action.

    2. Ideally, you will have someone helping you capture insights.

    3. If a step is part of the process but out of scope, change the color to grey.

    4. If technical leads are in the workshop, have them add specific technology considerations, integrations, and systems.

  2. Once complete, review and discuss as a group and make final adjustments

Expected Outcomes

  • A comprehensive Service Blueprint that visualizes the entire service experience

  • Identification of pain points and areas for improvement in the customer journey

  • Better alignment between front-stage and back-stage processes

  • Insights into technology requirements and support processes

  • A shared understanding of the service among all stakeholders

Remember: This is an iterative process. Refine and adjust your strategy continuously based on new data and validated assumptions.


sabrina sampey image
sabrina sampey
UX UI Manager@ServiceNow
Design is a powerful tool that can serve not to perpetuate consumerism but to empower individuals with products and services that enhance their lives without detriment to the planet. It’s with this belief that I always aim to understand complex challenges and think strategically and holistically about the entire product cycle from conception to implementation.
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