Said's Game Room | Board Games
Play hard, work hard :)
In order to playfully engage your workshop participants or teammates in Miro, this board offers you 5 classic and popular board games:
Ludo - Star Wars Edition.
Keep this board accessible for your teammates outside of workshops too, so they can get together for a quick (or even longer) game during a video conference, a lunch/coffee break, a virtual offsite, etc.
Install the free dice app from the marketplace and move it to the sidebar. I recommend that you make a copy of the game you plan to play and not modify the original game boards. So you don't have to clear up afterwards :)
How to use the dices:
Every player has his own dice(s).
Select your dice / pair of dices.
Click on the dice-icon on the sidebar to roll the dice(s).
Have fun
Links to tutorials for each individual game can be found right on the board so that everyone can access and play by the same rules. Or you maybe want to to modify the rules suitable for your workshop topic!?
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