

This is a basic retrospective template ready to use for any facilitator. Beforehand, it would be beneficial for the facilitator to put in any information that could be relevant to refresh the memory of what has been happening in the last period (ex., a timeline or pictures from different events or screenshots of things that the team has delivered).

Everyone in the team get's their own dedicated area to write post-its and empty their brain on (1) what has been working and (2) what has potential to improve. After the team has an understanding of what should improve they will (3) brainstorm actions and solutions for those issues.

After a final voting the facilitator writes us (4) concrete actions they team wants to act upon and assign responsible and due dates.

I hope this could help your team!


Henrik image
Product Designer
I utilize workshops to align teams, set goals, tackle challenges, and generate ideas. My workshops are known for being efficient, demanding, highly productive and most importantly, fun! Here you can find some of the templates I use when facilitating online workshops.
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