Reflect 1:1
Reflect 1:1's give more structure to the 1:1 format and should be used to complement regular catch-ups between managers and employees. The intention is to give people the chance to reflect and show gratitude on a consistent basis.
When to use?
I find a monthly or quarterly cadence works great for this. Typically 1:1's follow a weekly (or bi-weekly) schedule and the intention is that most of those sessions follow a relatively informal, employee-led schedule and this happens on a steady cadence - whatever you think works for your situation.
How to use?
Anyone can use this. I think it works best if the manager leads the filling in of all the information, allowing the person to reflect where they are free from taking their own notes. That being said, it could be a personal exercise in reflection either.
It should be remixed too - if there are particular things you want to measure, change them! If there are questions that you'd rather ask, ask them! This structure has come from 3 years of iteration and it's still changing - make it yours.
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