Question Quickfire — Go Wide on Curiousity
What is this thing?
The Question Quickfire template helps you gather questions quickly for a "speed round" type of activity, where people swarm on questions to ask and the facilitator can answer—add a twist with an "anyone can answer" remix. It's a super minimal and simple template for a quick exercise.
Why do this activity? 🤔
➡️ To get people to open up their curiousity and wonder around a topic.
➡️ Help get a pulse on which questions people want to see addressed first (that's where the voting comes in!)
Where do I use it?
⚡️ This can be an activity, like an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, if the goal is for the facilitator to share knowledge
🧠 This template can be used for an Anyone Can Answer session where everyone throws questions into the mix, and anyone can answer them; you can do this in various formats, with a fishbowl panel being one type - where participants jump into and off a panel to answer.
💡 This can be a super quick retrospective after a specific activity or after an entire session if you tailor the prompt for those situations.
How do I use it?
1️⃣ Pick a prompt to use with the template, you can use one of the premade ones or make your own, asking for questions.
2️⃣ Set a timer for 3-5 minutes to allow everyone to go wide and swarm adding in as many questions as they can or have.
3️⃣ After that, have everyone use the dots to vote on the top 3 questions they would like to hear addressed first.
Pro Tips!
⏰ Set a timer for 3-5 minutes to allow people time to individually get their thoughts out, and don't forget to save time afterward for answering as many questions as you can in the time you have.
⚙️ Customize for different numbers of participants. This template is currently set up for a group of 15 people (there are 3 voting dots per person — to expand for more people, add more dots and stickies!)
🔒 Remember to lock everything on your board except the sticky notes and the dots! And don't forget to bring your dots to the front before voting.
💜 Want to learn more methods, activities, and approaches? Reach out to Rachel HERE 💜
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