Mosaic Style Team Personal User Manuals
Just like pieces of a mosaic, every individual comes together to build a complete team. Our tiles may look different but together our picture is complete.
This template is a "meet the team" style board presented in modified a personal user manual format. It allows team members to express:
Their favorite things
What drives or motivates them
Their working style
Their daily focus
Their work preferences
Their communication styles
This template is designed for agile teams but can be used for any type of team from professional to more casual such as a sports team. Every team has a unique working style - this template can start the conversations around it.
This board is geared toward being used by the team's primary facilitator.
This template can be used at any point in a team's lifecycle; however, it is intended to be used in conjunction with a kickoff meeting when a team is first formed. The board should grow with the team. It should be referenced and updated as new users join a team or as others leave as the team dynamic can shift from the team composition. Users should regularly review the board and update their responses as their working styles develop over time.
Create a new board or add this template to an existing team board
Each user should claim a color set by adding their name and a picture or drawing to the set
Users should fill in their favorite things, their drivers, and their working style by adding as much as needed
Users should move their corresponding pieces onto the scales for their working styles
Collectively, the team should discuss the overall working styles of the team, determining how communication can be increased based on working styles
A special thank you to my friend and coworker Jessie Fox for her help creating and testing this template.
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