Knowns & Unknowns
What is it?
Capturing the knowns and unknowns of a product idea serves as a fundamental pillar in guiding decision-making processes. Knowns encompass tangible facts, data, and established information that's well-understood. On the other hand, unknowns represent the vast terrain of uncertainties, assumptions, and unanswered questions. These unknowns highlight gaps in our understanding and point to areas where further exploration and validation are needed.
How do I use it?
Select an idea to explore and the product goal it's associated with.
List your Knowns. You will have evidence to prove these assumptions.
List your Unknowns. You will be unsure/have no proof to back these assumptions up.
Identify your Riskiest Assumptions. These are the assumptions that have the highest risk associated with them.
Group your Knowns & Unknowns by Desirability, Viability, and Feasibility.
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