Key Strengths Continuum
When to use the Key Strengths Continuum?
This tool can be used for 1:1 coaching and as a team building activity. We hear a lot about the value of diversity in teams, the strengths continuum helps teams and individuals to reflect on their strengths in action - when they’re optimised and when they’re overplayed. This tool is designed to increase self-awareness and promote positive actions and behaviours.
The Key Strengths Continuum can be utilised across various touch points:
Forming new teams and project teams;
1:1 coaching and development;
Established teams keen to leverage the diversity of their skills and capabilities;
How does the Key Strengths Continuum work?
Identify top 3 strengths – these can be self-selected or based on feedback tools/ input from others
On each end of the continuum, describe how each strength presents when it’s optimised and when it’s overplayed
In the two outside columns, list the feelings, actions and indicators that present at either end of the continuum
Debrief the outputs with the coach, leader or in small groups
Teams could consolidate outputs on a shared Miro board
This activity takes approximately 60 – 90 minutes to complete and debrief
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