Kanban Successful Evolutionary Change
So for this Miro board, I've looked at the best practice of implementing and refining Kanban projects/products and the progression towards a lean organization culture driven through organizational Kanban adoption.
These learnings have been taken from David Anderson's book on Kanban Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Tech Business, which I've summarised in this Miro mindmap.
The board is structured as follows:
What is Kanban?
Kanban in Software Development
Implementing Kanban
Coordination with Kanban Systems
Starting a Kanban Change Initiative
Tips for Getting Started
Delivery Frameworks in Practice at Boohoo
Read each of the mindmaps clockwise to delve into mine and the writer's thoughts.
Matthew Binder
Technical Delivery Manager@Boohoo Group
I'm an experienced Technical Delivery Manager / Senior IT Project Manager / Scrum Master. I live and breathe IT delivery I'd say it's one of my passions in life. My experience is in Retail and eCommerce across Morrisons, Asda/Walmart and Boohoo Group working on digitally focused customer and stakeholder-facing web, app and microservices /event-driven architectures.
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