I²M Canvas Workshop (Idea & Innovation Mgmt
What is the I²M canvas workshop?
The I²M canvas workshop is an outcome of a master thesis by Florenz Unold. He developed the I²M canvas and workshop for the following purpose. The I²M canvas helps users to understand the overall big picture of an I²M operating model as well as to design and assess it. The term I²M is an abbreviation for Idea and Innovation Management.
When to use the I²m canvas?
Research has shown that survey respondents use the I²M canvas workshop mainly to …
Design and assess their I²M operating model
Understand the overall big picture of an I²M operating model (simplify the complex)
Communicate, discuss and align the overall big picture of an I²M operating model.
Identify gaps between the “as is” and “to be” situation of the I²M operating model,
Benchmark I²M operating models with others.
How does the I²M canvas workshop work?
The I²M canvas workshop consists out of the following 3 parts:
The I²M canvas helps users to understand the overall big picture of an I²M operating model as well as to design and assess it.
The I²M journey helps users to create a roadmap in order to transition an I²M operating model from the “as is” into the “to be” situation.
Supplementary guides of each I²M building block help users navigate through each I²M building block using additional descriptions, examples, guiding questions, tips, or research facts.
Moreover, the steps how to use each canvas are described in details directly within the board on the left of the canvas.
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