How To Build a Podcast
So, you're thinking about starting your own podcast? Congratulations — you're about to embark on an exciting journey! But before you dive into recording and editing, there are some crucial steps you need to take to ensure your podcast's success. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process including tips to use this template to help you navigate the path to podcasting.
How To Create and Launch a Podcast That Resonates
The steps below are also outlined in the template above with guiding activities and workspace to help you start your podcast, no matter your level of experience. To use the template, click “Use Template” in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Step 1: Identify Your "Why"
Before you start, clearly define your goals and identify what you bring to the table. Here are a few thought exercises that can help you get started:
What is the main goal of your podcast? Are you aiming to grow your business, connect with influential guests, or create a show with broad appeal?
What is your unique advantage? Whether it's your talent, production value, or a unique format, identify what sets you apart.
Can you commit to consistently publishing for at least a year, no matter how many downloads you get? Dedication is key; consider your commitment level before diving in.
Step 2: Show Bible
To “show bible” is to create a living, breathing document that outlines your show's purpose, mission, and vision. This will be your key source of truth for yourself and your team, that guides your decisions, helps you maintain focus, and helps you build into the future.
Check out How I Built This’ Show Bible Google Doc Template and adapt it to your needs to get started.
Step 3: Tools
You’ll need a few basic tools to get started. Don't fall into the trap of wasting a lot of time and money buying the fanciest gear. Start simple — you can always upgrade later! For a list of the products we use at How I Built This, see the links in the template above.
Here's a list of essential podcasting tools you’ll need:
Podcast mic
Recording software
Editing software
Simple project management/calendar system
Podcast hosting service
Step 4: Lights, Camera...
It's time to record your first episode! Everyone, and I mean everyone, is nervous their first time on the air. Before you start recording, consider the following:
What do you want your first episode to be? An introduction? A full episode?
How will you introduce yourself to your audience?
Will you have a guest? Who? Why or why not?
How long will your episodes be, on average?
Will you have a consistent intro and/or outro?
Refer back to your “why” and your Show Bible doc to guide your decisions as you work through decisions about your first episode.
Step 5: Launch!
Now you’re ready to publish your first episode and send your podcast out into the world. Before doing so, you might consider recording a quick one-minute "trailer" episode that describes your show. This may be useful to share on your marketing channels or personal social media profiles and launch alongside your initial episode so people know what your show is all about.
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