Genie In A Bottle Retrospective
This is a template for the Genie in a bottle retrospecitve exercise. Your team has just freed a Genie from a bottle! Everyone gets 1 wish. The catagories are, a wish for you, the team, and the project (or product). No extra wishies! That is unless the team feels that is important.
After everyone write thier wishs, take the time to read each wish, clarify if necessary, group and any common wishes. Look for themes or repeated sticky notes.
Than use the dots provided or the built in voting tool in Miro to dot vote on the most important items. Move those to the wishses to discuss secation and begin your discussion with the team. Create action items based on you discusson and document that in the action items secaion of the board.
For fun, group sing Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguleria, or make it your exit music.
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