Flower Presentation
This template allows you to make a gorgeous presentation in the shape of a flower.
By placing objects on the flowers, it is possible to show materials while moving over the flowers. You can also stack multiple flowers on top of each other to simulate slide feed.
Enjoy an unusual presentation experience.
How to use
Create presentation materials on top of a single flower, and group flowers and materials together (Ctrl + G)
Create the flowers from Page2 to Page6 in the same way and group them together
Stack Page2 to Page6 with the first flower on top
When presenting, click on the white sticky that protrudes from the flower with Page2-Page6 and "move to front" (PgUp) to slide forward.
TIPS (various uses)
Put the title in the center and put contents on each petal, and present them one by one.
When sharing the screen with a conferencing system such as Zoom to make a presentation, start with the center part of the screen maximized, and the whole image of the flower should not be visible. In the end, show the entire image of the flower and spoil the fact that the presentation was made in the form of a flower.
See here: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPd9MeYw=/?share_link_id=851288720040
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