Feedback as ROTI
About the method
This template is based on the ROTI method - a quick and easy way to evaluate the time spent on meetings or worshops and improve their effectiveness.
It helps to delve into the reason for the successful / unsuccessful result of the workshop and understand how to adjust the format and method of further interaction with the client.
ROTI stands for Return Of Time Invested. With it, participants can:
first determine how effective the workshop was in terms of the goal set
then evaluate the amount of time spent to achieve this result
When to use it
This template can be used at all stages of project realization (after any meeting, workshop, pitch, etc).
Why to use our template
Our interpretation of this method has 2 features:
Participants can rate the workshop relatively using the EFFECT scale and the TIME scale (they can rate the workshop in terms of achieving some of the goals / spending a specific period of time).
The bottom stream, marking the low effectiveness of the workshop in terms of achieving goals, contains areas with constructive reactions from the participants (possible suggestions to increase the time / to change the approach). This encourages participants to provide informed feedback with useful tips to improve future work.
Who might benefit from it
This template is useful both for the creators of workshops in order to further adjust and improve them, and for end users / participants to analyze their roadmap and understand what remains to be done.
How to use this template
This template is primarily designed for individual work - personal evaluation of the work performed and providing an objective opinion about the reasons for this result.
1.1) Ask each participant to choose one sticker and place it in one of the four areas of the matrix, considering:
whether the goals set for the workshop were achieved (Tip: when placing stickers, it is better if the participants take into account the exact number of goals achieved and place their stickers at a specific level of the EFFECT scale)
how quickly it was done (Tip: when placing stickers, it is better if the participants take into account the exact amount of the time spent and place their stickers at a specific level of the TIME scale)
1.2) Ask each participant to justify his/her choice on the sticker.
2) Discuss all the feedback provided together with the participants.
Think about possible steps to optimize/change the process.
General Tips
Tip 1: Ask participants to try to provide balanced feedback that includes suggestions for improving the workshop / meeting / etc.
Tip 2: Ask the participants to show empathy towards the creators of the workshop / meeting and its facilitators - to respect their efforts and approaches, to be polite and not to get personal when giving feedback.
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