Eye-Opener Workshop


An eye-opener workshop is an easy-to-use format for cross-case learning. The workshop involves ‘insiders’ who share lessons about their initiative, and ‘outsiders’ who want to learn from the initiative.

By explicating and reflecting on key moments in the project, outsiders are gradually turned into insiders. Both groups formulate actions to strengthen their societal impact.


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VITO Nexus Learn
Capacity builders@VITO
VITO Nexus develops – by participating in projects – nexuslearn.vito.be as a service catalogue for and with VITO researchers, our partners and various societal actors. That catalogue includes these Miro templates. At VITO Nexus, we’re convinced that if we want to give our society and planet a future, we will have to make our human actions deeply sustainable. Hence we will have to change profoundly. Let our formats help you doing so.
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