Encanto Futurespective
What is the FLAP Retrospective and when to use?
The FLAP retrospective is a great project/phase postmortem activity. You should run it as close to the end of a project/phase as possible—don’t wait or everyone will forget what happened. It’s a blend of a futurespective and retrospective that takes into account Future Considerations, Lessons Learned, Accomplishments and Problem Areas.
Icebreaker 🚪
Ask participants to select which magical gift that they would like, by placing a magical door icon next to the corresponding character. The choices include; Antonio - ability to speak to animals, Luisa - blessed with super strength, Bruno - see into the future, Camilo - shapeshifter, Isabella - conjure flowers at will and Dolores - able to hear just about anything!
Generate Insights
The prompts have been adapted to the Disney Encanto movie, to make this workshop more immersive.
Future directions: Please write down all future directions regarding the project/phase.
Lessons learned: Please write down the key lessons and takeaways from the project/phase.
Accomplishments: Please write down the key accomplishments for the project/phase.
Problem areas: Please write down the problematic areas experienced throughout the specified project/phase.
(Don’t forget to affinity sort into themes/clusters and then dot vote, on what the teams wants to discuss in priority order)
ROTI stands for Return on Time Invested. This is a quick and easy method to gauge whether participants feel that the time they spent in a meeting was worthwhile. The meeting leader asks everyone to rate the meeting from “Happy” signifying an excellent use of time to “Meh” which indicates the sessions wasn’t useful. They can do this by placing a “Copybara icon” next to their character which best represents how they feel.
Disclaimer, I of course take no ownership of the copyright for this fantastic movie. All of the images have been hand-drawn as fan-art and the idea has been remixed from the more traditional FLAP technique, which combines the past with future ideas.
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