Dragon Mapping
"Everyone is entitled to [their] own opinion, but not [their] own facts."
There are times when things aren't going as planned. The strategy is unclear. Stakeholders and team members disagree on some of the project basics. Sound familiar?
There are many ways to overcome this, and I've tried all of them. Sometimes, they've even worked.
But what I've found works best - for me - is this approach, which draws on Teresa Torres' Opportunity Solutions Tree, Assumption Mapping, Impact Mapping, and the 5 Whys.
In the end, I find this approach easier to explain to participants, so we can start using it faster.
randy silver/out of owls
Product Coach & Consultant@Out of Owls
A recovering music journalist & editor, Randy launched Amazon’s music stores in the US and UK; he's also held Head of Product roles at HSBC and Sainsbury’s, where he also directed their 100+-person product community. His book, What Do We Do Now? A Product Manager’s Guide to Strategy is out now, with all profits going to COVID-19 relief efforts. He’s the founder & co-host of The Product Experience podcast and Product in the Aether.
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