The Culture Map Workshop
This workshop will be based on Erin Meyer's The Culture Map.
"Why does your Swedish colleague have so many problems collaborating with his Chinese team? How do you navigate the tricky task of performance reviews when your American colleagues precede negative feedback with three nice comments, while the Germans skip the positives and get straight to the point? What is the best method for getting your team based on four continents to work together effectively?"
The expectation:
We will get to know 7 different factors.
We will create our own team's culture.
The template is yours!
Frame 1: Setting the stage.
Frame 2: Ice breaker.
Frame 3: Get to know with the seven different factors.
Frame 4: Get to know with the seven different factors.
Frame 5: Get to know with the seven different factors, in a more depth, with clarify exercise and alignment workshop.
Frame 6: Build our team culture!
Enjoy the workshop :)
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