Cities of India Themed Retro
Using what certain Indian cities are known for this retro dives quite deep into your team's thoughts.
Start at the left top corner and read out Retro Prime Directive.
Then, move to the Ice Breaker part of the board. Let your team take the quiz and ask them to take a screenshot of their results and put them under their name tag.
Now onto the main meal, the retro board. Five sections (cities) will take your team on a self-discovery journey. The titles in bold font connect the retro to the theme, questions underneath are the main characters here.
The Kudos side board is there in case anyone wanted to say thank you, well done, congrats, etc.
Fill in the Actions section whilst you discuss your team's input.
Anna Bulman
Agile Practice Lead@Hiscox
Anna Bulman is a passionate facilitator, positive disruptor and change agent, an Agile Leader. Anna uses her creative problem solving skills to unravel, untangle, resolve and improve individuals, teams and groups.
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