Behavior Design Mapping (Journey)
This map is a behavior micro-journey and should be feeding from a higher level map.
This map could be adapted to be used for building a new product as well as improving existing ones using Behaviorial Science Principles.
It includes the Components of the COM-B Model to make sure that what you are building still does not cause unnecessary friction (sometimes designing for friction is good).
This Journey should help you understand from a behavior perspective what is making an experience difficult for you customer or user.
You should already know a chosen behavior you are looking to drive and then map backwards from that behavior.
The Lanes
The Map has different lanes:
Stages: These can help you understand the high level organization of the actions
Actions: The behaviors the actors have to perform (these should be observable)
Friction: The friction level in the experience
Influences on Behavior: Using the COM-B model to map
Intervention Strategy Ideas: Things we can think of that would be able to deal with the barriers influencing the behavior.
Other Possible lanes: Depending on your project you may want to add other lanes.
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