Age-Appropriate mindsets
The Age-appropriate mindsets tool is designed to help teams map how young users' privacy risks, needs and behaviours may change as they grow.
How to use this tool?
Create ‘mindsets’ of children who use your service to help you empathise with their needs and design services that are in their best interests.
Use these templates as a starting point. Think about children’s needs and risks specific to your service and evolve the mindsets over time as you learn more from user research.
After using the tool you should have:
Built ‘mindsets’ that are based on Children’s code age-appropriate design guidelines and adapted to your service.
Ensured your organisation always keep children’s needs in mind when designing experiences.
Shown how engaging with children through user research develops your understanding of their needs and behaviours.
This tool is part of a number of resources in the Children’s code design guidance. It has been created to help organisations meet the Children’s code, a code of practice that aims to create safer digital experiences for children online.
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