4 Step Critical Thinking Brainstorm
A four step brainstorming process to help explore an idea or a problem thoroughly before jumping into solution mode. Use this template to step through the following 4 parts of the critical thinking process:
Test your understanding
When presented with a new idea or problem, have a set of questions that help you understand the scope. How and why is this important? What are the potential impacts, who benefits or suffers? Create a list and keep it handy.
Test the boundaries
What exists beyond the limits of your understanding, what is unseen or unknown? What additional data points do you need? Where or from whom can you source this additional information?
Explore alternatives
Interpretation is subjective. Are there alternative conclusions, assumptions, or solutions that you could have reached? How might you reframe the original position? Assess the relative weight or value of alternatives, can you create an opportunity to test your theories?
Apply and expand
How can the outputs of this process be applied? How can you capture feedback or elicit new perspectives by sharing or implementing your ideas or solutions?
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