Drawify Images
Choose from nearly 1,000 free, unique, high-quality hand-drawn images to create engaging boards with a human touch. You can use these images in a variety of ways, help your participants collaborate and express themselves in a fun and visual way.
Key Features:
- All images are free for you to use in any way, under creative commons license
- Unique, characterful, and quirky figures, faces and objects to bring your boards to life.
- Frames, arrows, and backgrounds to enhance your Miro elements.
How to Connect:
Install the app from the "Add more apps" button and launch it directly from the Miro app toolbar.
Boost Your Board’s Engagement Levels Even More with a Drawify Account
- Create a Drawify account, and unlock over 20,000 images!
- Access all your favorited images right from within the Drawify Miro App
- Use the Drawify platform to compose your visual storytelling creations as projects, and then bring your projects into Miro from within the Drawify Miro App
- Get inspired and work faster with Drawify templates for loads of collaborative work topics, including strategy, planning, and UX design
Already have a Drawify account?
Sign in from within the Drawify Miro app, or sign in via the Drawify website, and you’ll be brought back to your Miro dashboard.
Helpful Links:
- Contact support:support@drawify.com
- Privacy Policy
Ideation & brainstormingPresentationsVisual assetsStrategy & planningFree and paidPricing
Verify pricing details with the developer*
- Read and modify boards users have access to
- Read profile information for current user
About the developer
Thousands of professionals rely on Drawify to take (often complex) material and transform it into compelling and easy-to-retain visuals. Drawify’s mission is to enable more meaningful communication. Our platform allows you to create professional-looking illustrations without having to draw yourself. Visual storytellers around the world have created a vast library of original drawings. Select a few and arrange them according to your needs. If you want to use your own illustrations, easily upload them into the same canvas. Drawify is where your presentation magic happens.