
Add more structure to your cards using Custom Cards for Miro.

Custom Cards allows you to attach up to 15 custom fields to new Miro cards on your board. These custom fields can be required when filling out a card or optional; radio buttons, or a container for text.

Using Custom Cards you can make it simpler for other users of your board to fill out cards with structured information.

Key Features

  • Create custom card templates with up to 15 custom fields each
  • Create text fields or radio fields for your card template
  • Write custom labels for the fields on your cards
  • Make certain fields required or leave them optional for other users of your board

Terms and Conditions:

By using or installing Custom Cards you agree to the Terms and Conditions.

How to connect

  • Tap on the blue Connect or Run button on this page and follow the installation steps

Helpful links

* Note that any information provided by a third party application provider, including pricing and payment details as applicable, is subject to change and should be verified with the provider.


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  • Read and modify boards users have access to

About the developer

Ferrisaurus Software


Publisher of Custom Cards for Miro.


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