Clyde Recommends

Clyde Recommends

  • Users< 100

Clyde Recommends is a Miro app designed to help you find the ideal Miro template crafted by Clyde based on the keywords you provide.

For example, if you're a facilitator searching for a creative retrospective template, Clyde Recommends has you covered! Simply open the app, enter your keywords, and within seconds, you'll get a recommendation for a Miro template created by Clyde D'Souza. This app is not just for facilitators; anyone can use it.

Hope you enjoy this app!

Key Features

  • Intuitive messaging-like user interface.
  • Click on prompts to get your first recommendation.
  • Type in what type of template you're looking for and let the app recommend you one.
  • Provide feedback by clicking the thumbs up and down icons to help improve the app recommendations.
  • If you're stuck, just send 'Help' and the app will prompt you.

How to connect

Install the Clyde Recommends app from the Miro app marketplace into your Miro team and off you go! No additional permissions or other hassles, just a sweet and simple installation.

Helpful links

* Note that any information provided by a third party application provider, including pricing and payment details as applicable, is subject to change and should be verified with the provider.


Design toolsFacilitationIdeation & brainstormingFree



Verify pricing details with the developer*

About the developer

Clyde D'Souza

New Zealand

Hi! I'm Clyde D'Souza. I'm a creative and self-driven person who likes to code and do other things. I'm currently working as a senior software engineer at Xero. Previously, I've worked with Datacom and Heritage Hotels.


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