Collaborative performance tracking

Create a shared space for custom dashboards and performance monitoring, pattern identification, and decision-making
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Turn static data into collaborative insights

Add a Miro layer on top of data to enable your team to discuss trends, dropoff rates, KPIs, and business metrics. Plus, make suggestions and generate ideas right on top of the data points.

Combine multiple points to build a cohesive story

Bring multiple data points together to create a comprehensive visualization of trends, patterns, and insights that everyone on the team can have access to.

Forget the screenshots, bring live data into your work

No more wasting time preparing for presentations and client meetings. Simply copy a dashboard link and update the numbers directly from Miro. Always feel confident that you have the most up-to-date information.

Make smarter product decisions with deeper insights

Unlock faster, more engaged, and more productive feedback cycles for deep collaborative work. Create opportunities for non-analytics experts to take advantage of rich data insights, fostering an insight-driven culture.

Miro for collaborative dashboarding & reporting


Build comprehensive reports

Save on prep time and share updates with dynamic, live data in a single dashboard.

Manage complex projects

Simplify project plans with a single space for gathering insights, content, and resources.

Customize dashboards

Unify the relationship between product metrics and customer satisfaction data to create a full-picture view.

Onboard new employees

Welcome new hires with company metrics and context to get started quickly.

Break the silos and bring data, insights, & ideas together

Visualize live dashboards with critical performance metrics from your BI tools in a collaborative space. Enable your team with insights and knowledge for informed decision-making.

Related templates

How to create a dashboard in Miro

1. Select your data source

Pull in dashboards from the leading Business Intelligence tools

2. Paste the link into Miro

Create a custom dashboard or bring data into presentations

3. Collaborate with insights

Annotate and surround the data with notes, comments and Talktracks
Explore integrations


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What type of data can I bring into Miro?

You can import various data sources into Miro, such as spreadsheets from Google Sheets or Excel, BI dashboards, insights from customer research and more.

Can I share the data with my team?

Your team will have access to view or edit of the content on the Miro board, depending on the board settings.

Get on board in seconds

Join thousands of teams using Miro to do their best work yet.
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