
Find out about our latest product changes as we continue improving Miro to enable your team to collaborate better.

September 23, 2024

Weekly Update: Conversation Summaries, Trusted Device Rollout and more

Summarize comment threads with Conversation Summaries

Conversation Summaries uses AI to help you summarize long comment threads on the board, so you can quickly grasp the main points and prioritize work more efficiently.

Organization level set-up of Jira Integration

Admins can now configure Jira integration once at the organization level, eliminating the need for multiple team-specific setups.

Unified domain management across Business and Enterprise plans

Unified domain management is now generally available across Business and Enterprise plans, consolidating SSO/SAML and domain control management into one view. Domain verification is streamlined to a single DNS method, eliminating email verification for enhanced security and reducing duplicative work for admins.

Enterprise Guard: Content Explorer: Quality of Life Improvements

The Content Lifecycle Management solution introduces UI improvements to simplify content governance for admins, including smart and quick filters, persisted views and improvements to the search experience. 

Trusted Device Rollout: Enhancing Security and User Experience 

The new Trusted Device feature speeds up two-factor authentication (2FA) logins by reducing the number of prompts on trusted devices while maintaining security. Users can manage their trusted devices from their profile, and admins have the flexibility to enable or disable the feature and set trust duration between 7-90 days based on compliance needs.

Audit log improvements: Filters, Export in CSV, and data availability

The updated audit logs feature allows enterprise admins to filter logs by criteria like actors and event types for faster access to relevant data, and export logs in CSV format with a higher event limit. While events older than 90 days will no longer be viewable in the UI or API, they remain accessible via CSV export. 

Enhancing CanvasEngine — OffscreenSystem optimisation enabled

The Canvas object detection logic has been refactored using an ECS approach to improve stability and performance. This update makes canvas panning 56% faster and zooming 33% faster on large boards, while also slightly enhancing loading times for huge boards and moving multiple widgets.

September 16, 2024

Weekly Update: Conversation Summaries

Summarize comment threads with Conversation Summaries

Conversation Summaries uses AI to help you summarize long comment threads on the board, so you can quickly grasp the main points and prioritize work more efficiently.

September 09, 2024

Weekly Update: AI Sidekicks & Improved version management in Planner

AI Sidekicks 

Call on an Agile Coach, Product Leader and Product Marketing Alliance AI Sidekick to get a second pair of eyes on your work. Get feedback and suggestions on your work in the form of comments, or understand next steps from a retrospective.

Bugs and Other Improvements

  • Improved version management in Planner: Planner now allows you to align milestones across multiple projects by displaying work items with the same Fix Version in a single column or swimlane. This improvement enables easier visualization and management of related tasks across projects, including the ability to drag and drop items while maintaining correct Fix Version assignments.

August 26, 2024

Weekly Update: Intelligent Widgets, Enterprise Guard updates, and more

Intelligent Widgets

With Intelligent Widgets, users can make meetings more efficient and help complete common tasks automatically. There are four widgets available: People Widget, Dot Voting Widget, Story Points Widget for estimation, and Polling Widget.

Intelligent templates

Intelligent templates are designed to make workflows more efficient and keep teams engaged during activities like sprint planning, retrospectives, and roadmapping. Intelligent templates include AI, interactive tools, and integrations into a single streamlined experience.

Enterprise Guard: Intelligent Guardrails Update

Admins now have two options for rolling out Intelligent Guardrails in their organisation – with Default mode, Guardrails will not affect active sharing options on the board, ensuring minimal disruption to ongoing collaboration. With Strict mode, guardrails will override all active sharing options. 

Enterprise Guard: Content Lifecycle Management Release 

Content Lifecycle Management is a solution within Enterprise Guard and enables Enterprise Guard admins to govern the lifecycle of their content at scale by decreasing the administrative burden on admins by automating retention, disposition and trash policies according to company policies. 

Audit log improvements: Filters, Export in CSV, and data availability

Audit logs enable admins of enterprise organizations to identify and respond to security events, conduct forensic and internal investigations, and meet compliance obligations. With this update we improve the experience of accessing the information they need. Filter audit logs by standard criteria such as actors and event types for quicker access to relevant information (previously in beta). Easily download audit logs data in CSV with a higher limit of events per export, and faster and more convenient access to export file. Events older that 90 days will no longer be available for preview in the UI or via API. However, this data will still be accessible via CSV export.

Quick & Intelligent Diagram Creation

We have improved  our existing quick diagramming controls and suggestion algorithm, including previews, to improve efficiency and ease of use for users communicating complex information through diagrams.

License requests management for Enterprise customers

To help admins manage license requests and increase request acceptance rate, we are introducing in-product license request management functionality. Company admins will get the visibility of all pending license upgrade requests they have and the ability to manage them.

Remember me 

We introduced a “Remember me” option to our Sign-in flows. Users can now save their email, name and authentication type (e.g. SSO, email credentials, social, etc.), so that when they sign in to Miro with the same browser in the future, they can provide fewer inputs and sign in faster. It also creates a more personal sign-in experience.

Idle timeout configuration for Miro on Interactive Displays

Idle timeout is a very important security measure to ensure unauthorized users can't access content on interactive displays (both accidentally and intentionally). The length of the idle timeout is set to 15 minutes by default, but company admins can set a custom idle timeout that works best for their organization. 

Bugs and Other Improvements

  • Sharing window redesign: We have improved the Sharing window in Miro by including a streamlined email sharing section, a clearer Manage Access overview to see who has access to the boards, and more discoverable Sharing settings. 

  • Improved visual feedback for selection on canvas: Selecting objects and lines can be cumbersome for complex diagrams with lots of overlapping and neighboring elements and rich in connector lines. To address these challenges, we improved selection affordances to increase productivity including: Single selection, Multi-selection, highlighting all widgets that are a part of the selection, and more.

August 05, 2024

Weekly Update: Enhanced Visual Feedback for Object Selections

Improved visual feedback on object selections

When selecting objects, the selection follows their contours and highlights the widgets within, with selection lines shown while hovering. Controls for sizing and rotating are hidden when moving objects to reduce visual noise.

July 29, 2024

Weekly update: Visualize AWS Architecture, Tailor diagrams with custom shape packs and more

Tailor diagrams with custom shape packs

Custom shape packs let you tailor diagrams to your specific industry or project needs by uploading your SVG shape pack into Miro. Improve clarity and create impactful visualizations with custom shapes that accurately represent your needs.

Visualize AWS architecture

The new AWS Data Import tool [beta] helps you to easily and quickly import data from your AWS account into Miro as infrastructure visualizations. This way, your team can spend more time discussing architecture improvements and cost optimization. Try this experience and share your feedback with us:

Quick diagram improvements

Quick Diagram Creation (QDC) has become much easier to use with the addition of large arrows to guide users when creating new objects and users can now cancel the action by hitting the escape key on their keyboard. QDC has also become more intuitive by not appearing for locked objects or when moving, resizing, or rotating objects.

Suggested objects improvements

When using Quick Diagram Creation on any object, it will show you a preview of the object. The placement of the object and line has also been improved, making it easier to expand your work without having to re-adjust the layout and placement of objects.

July 08, 2024

Weekly Update: Run Estimations with Action shortcuts

Action shortcuts for Estimations

Based on the content within your canvas section, you can create action shortcuts for either Fibonacci or T-shirt size Estimations. When it's time to begin, simply press start to launch your Estimations app pre-sets instantly, allowing your team to focus on productive discussions without setup delays.

July 01, 2024

Weekly Update: Jira OAuth 2.0 via webhooks

Real-time updates from Jira OAuth 2.0 via webhooks

We've made it easier for Jira Cloud users to get real-time updates in Miro. Now, with OAuth 2.0, you can set up webhooks to instantly sync changes from Jira to Miro. Just be sure you're an admin for both Miro and Jira, then follow the steps in 'Apps & Integrations' to enable this update.

June 24, 2024

Weekly update: More filter options in Planner and action shortcuts for Dependencies

More filter options in Planner

We've updated Planner to make filtering easier and more flexible for everyone. Now, all fields used as columns or swimlanes can also be used as filters, benefiting both Jira and Azure Planner users. 

Action shortcuts for Dependencies 

Action shortcuts provide an easy way to access the Dependencies app from your planning board. When you click the "Show now" button, the Dependencies app opens and displays all the connections (dependencies) between work items (Jira cards or Azure cards) on your board.

June 17, 2024

Weekly Update: Miro Accessibility Checker and Test SSO configuration

Miro Accessibility Checker

Create the most accessible Miro experience possible. Check boards for color contrast, frames, and whether or not alt text has been provided for images.

Test SSO configuration

Admins can now test their Miro SSO configuration before enabling it to minimize any operational disruptions.